
35-A Mayur Vihar,

Dholi Pyau Road, Mathura (U.P.) 281001


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Varanasi to Mathura Taxi Hire on Rent

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Book Varanasi to Mathura Taxi/Cab

If you are planning Travel to Mathura from varanasi , booking a taxi or cab will be the best option. Varanasi to Mathura Taxi fare varies depending on the cab you choose. Varanasi to Mathura cab booking will be hassle - free. You can get a cab that is budget friendly. In case you want a luxurious trip you can go for the expensive cabs that have good space and are air - conditioned.

Select Car Price Booking Now
Swift Dzire Rs. 9/KM Book Now
Ertiga Rs. 11/KM Book Now
InnovaRs. 14/KM Book Now
Innova CrystaRs. 16/KM Book Now
EtiosRs. 10/KM Book Now
ScorpioRs. 15/KM Book Now
MarazzoRs. 14/KM Book Now

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Distance Covered By Varanasi To Mathura Cab

The distance between Varanasi To Mathura by car is around 705 km. And the time taken is around 11 to 12 hours. The distance will of course change if you change the route. The time can also differ according to the traffic conditions. The time taken to cover also depends on your speed and your stoppage time during the journey.

Type Of Varanasi To Mathura Taxi Available Are

Varanasi To Mathura Taxi options range from 4-seater to 16 seater. The price of the vehicle also very according to the passenger capacity and luggages. You will get - To - taxi fully air-conditioned and the drivers which you will get for your journey or really experienced and drivers ensure your safety on the journey.