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If you are planning to travel to Agra from Jaipur, booking a taxi or cab will be the best option. Agra to Jaipur taxi fare varies depending on the cab you choose. Agra to Jaipur cab booking will be hassle - free. You can get a cab that is budget friendly. In case you want a luxurious trip you can go for the expensive Taxi with that have good space and are features.
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About Agra to Jaipur road trip
The distance between Agra to Jaipur is around 240 km which will take around 4.5 hours to reach the destination. While you are traveling from Agra to Jaipur via cab there are places that are of historic and have its own cultural importance. While travelling from Agra to Jaipur you will pass through towns like Bharatpur, Halaina, Mahwa, Sakrai, Dausa, Basi, and Kanota.